Basic Safety Operations Of Capstan Anchor Winch

One of the most common types of anchor winches that are used are a capstan anchor winch. They are easy to install, simple to use, and can provide quite a bit of pulling power. These are designed for ships, in most cases, that are pulling several hundred tons of weight behind them. Commonly used to loosen or tighten cables or ropes when mooring a ship, they provide a much-needed service. However, you must be careful, in many ways, when you are installing and using them. Here are the basic safety tips for using these unique winches that you may need to have on your ship.

capstan winch
Electric Horizontal Capstan Winch for Sale

Why Would You Need A Capstan Anchor Winch?

When most people think of a winch, they envision a winch that will have a large spool that will contain all of the cable that is let out or pulled in. In contrast, a capstan anchor winches used to improve the overall situation. These do not have rope or cable wrapped around a drum. It’s main purpose is to be an intermediary device, one that will help in maintaining the position of a vessel that is anchored or is more to a dock. Therefore, if you want to get one, it will be for this purpose, and is best suited for larger vessels where cable tethering problems can arise.

capstan winch
Vertical Capstan Winch for Sale

How Do You Assess These Secondary Anchor Winches?

Your assessment of them will depend almost entirely on what type you decide to purchase. For example, if you are getting a hydraulic capstan, or a horizontal or vertical capstan, each of these are constructed in different ways. However, the parameters that you need to think about with each one are similar on each of these items. The loading capacity, rope diameter, and the overall wire rope capacity that it can handle are factors you need to think about. The working speed and how it derives its power should also be evaluated. You need to know it is strong enough to provide this extra support as you are trying to maintain your position out on the water.

Best Places To Get Capstan Anchor Winches

Anchor winches like this can be obtained from any company that produces marine winches, mooring, tugger, and anchor winches. The larger that their selection is, the more likely it is that they will have the exact model that you are looking for. When speaking to a representative, you can convey your typical habits, and how often you are going to use it. Also tell them the amount of weight that you are typically working with so they can provide you with the one that will work the best.

If you do need this secondary winch to provide you with extra security and safety on your vessel, don’t hesitate in getting one. As long as your evaluation of them is good, and you have received help from those selling it, you will end up with the best one for your vessel. Having the ability to improve how tight the line is that is maintaining your position on the water, this will help you avoid any safety issues. Finally, it must be installed properly, and once that is done, you can rely upon this unique piece of equipment that can help you with your business.